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$100 per student, cash at the door. Text 908-461-0303 to register.

Yes, This is the course that is required to BOAT in NJ!

Take this New Jersey–approved course to complete your online boating safety education. Shore Boating School is the premier boating school in New Jersey. Our mission is to make you a safe, confident, and successful recreational boater.

Our coaching and mentoring will help ease your fears and concerns and push you to achieve tremendous success.

New Jersey-Approved Boating Course

The Shore Boating School’s New Jersey Boat Safety Course is approved and accepted by the New Jersey State Police

Take this New Jersey–approved course to complete your online boating safety education.

The new law in NJ requires that after June 1st, 2008, all boaters that were born in 1949 or later possess a valid NJ state-issued Boating Safety Certificate. Since 6/1/2009 all NJ Boaters have needed a valid Boating Safety Certificate

This course fulfills all NJ State Boater Education Requirements.

The experienced boater “Opt-Out Exam” ended on May 31st, 2008.

Have questions? Call or Text Henri at 908-461-0303

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